Students in Australia from India and Nepal have piled into VET courses. The March YTD numbers demonstrate what’s hot.
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There are 2553 enrolments, up 136 per cent from 2019 and 801 commencements up 99 per cent. In NSW commencements were up 51 per cent, Victoria is up 100 per cent, Queensland is up 80.7 per cent, South Australia is up 609 per cent and Western Australia 131 per cent.
Indian nationals made up 68 per cent of enrolments and 62 per cent of commencements.
Business management: India – there are 7211 enrolments up 76 percent from 2019 with 1976 commencements up 65.6 percent from 2019. In terms of commencements NSW was up 42.3 percent, VIC up 75.5 percent, QLD up 63.4 percent, SA up 91.5 percent, WA up 70.4 percent, TAS up 21.9 percent, NT up 633 percent and ACT up 122.6 percent.
Nepal – are 3345 enrolments up 111 per cent with 966 commencements up 63 per cent. NSW is up 27 per cent, Victoria is up 50 per cent, South Australia up 40 per cent, Western Australia up 143 per cent, Tasmania 53 per cent, Northern Territory i1560 per cent, ACT is up 23 per cent.
India and Nepal make up 24 per cent of enrolments and 27 per cent of commencements in Business management detailed field courses across the country.
Cookery: India – There are 7218 enrolments in cookery courses across the country up 134 percent on last year. Commencements are up across the country 103 percent, with NSW being up 246 percent VIC up 101 percent, QLD up 33 percent, SA up 144 percent, WA up 81.5 percent, TAS up 75 percent, the NT up 700 percent (on small numbers) and the ACT is up 45.5 percent.
Nepal is similar, with enrolments this year thus far being 3128 up 138 percent. Commencements across the country into cookery courses are at 922 up 74 percent from last year. NSW commencements are up 101.4 percent, VIC up 66.7 percent, Queensland up 2.9 percent, South Australia up 110 per cent, Western Australia up 74 per cent, Tasmania up 27 per cent, Northern Territory up 300 per cent and the ACT up 142 percent.
India and Nepal make up 49 percent of enrolments and 50 percent of commencements in cookery courses across the country.
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India: there are 1645 enrolments in hospitality management down from 2046 at the same time last year. However, commencements are growing across the country with 572 being recorded, up 22 percent. NSW commencements are up 148 per cent, Victoria is down 4 per cent, Queensland up 30 per cent, South Australia up 34 per cent, Western Australia up 28 per cent, Tasmania up 150 per cent and the ACT up 350 percent. (Northern Territory went from two to 11).
Nepal: there are 723 enrolments across the country, up 57 per cent. Significant commencements were 295 up 90.3 percent. NSW commencements were up 105 percent, Victoria up 129 per cent, Queensland up 87 per cent, Tasmania up 450 percent.
India and Nepal make up 27 percent of enrolments and 28 percent of commencements in hospitality management courses across the country.
Dirk Mulder is CMM’s international education correspondent