South Australia’s anti-corruption commission is looking at the state’s three public universities
It’s an “integrity inquiry” rather than an investigation into anything specific and the three vice chancellors of the state’s public universities jointly urge staff to participate. Which many will given, they can make concerns known in an anonymous survey.
So why is the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption bothering you ask, (oh, go on, indulge me)? Because ICAC surveyed the state public sector a while back but not universities – which are agencies governed by state acts.
“The survey will play an educative role in helping staff better understand the role of ICAC and their personal obligations as public officers under the ICAC Act. It is also an opportunity for us to reflect on the nature of our operations and highlight any areas for improving how we do business,’ the three public university VCs say. Clearly ICAC is not expected to find anything – after all it isn’t NSW.