The Uni Queensland VC was the only uni head to face critical questions – which he dealt with
Last night’s Four Corners covered Chinese involvement in Australian research, the great ANU hack, Chinese-student nationalism, alleged CCP interest in and interference on campuses.
Uni Queensland was included for its connections with the Chinese state, institutions and companies, VC Peter Hoj’s previous connections to the Confucius Institute governing body and the CI at Uni Queensland being involved in the development of an economics course.
Most of which Professor Hoj expected.
On Sunday, he emailed senior staff setting out what he thought was coming and assuring them, “the university has always been, and will continue to be, transparent about these areas. Should it be necessary, once the program airs, we will proactively communicate our position to our staff, students, partners and relevant key stakeholders.”
Professor Hoj, was the only VC critically questioned on the programme. ANU’s Brian Schmidt, the only other VC who appeared, talked about the hack and got far less critical treatment on camera about a really serious issue, whoever the hackers were.