Here’s a start for a new post-school system

The Full-Service Six has an Accord prop that should appeal to employers – if not other universities

The six are institutions with HE and VET functions, Charles Darwin U, CQ U, Federation U RMIT, Swinburne U and Victoria U.

There is a significant structural gap in the provision of high-quality work-based learning in the Australian context that will form pathways to skilled employment at the mid-tier, para-professional level of skills and knowledge application,” they argue

The six suggest Professor O’Kane and colleagues, “consider the development and design of a consistent and nationally recognised spectrum of work-based-learning qualifications. This spectrum of qualifications will combine the practical skills taught in vocational education with the analytical knowledge acquired in higher education, co-designed and delivered with industry.”

And they ask for an “early tranche” of CSPs to test transition to work and career change programmes delivered by micro-credentials, cadetships as part of a degree, and diplomas, associate degrees and degrees.