Uni groups point to positives and go easy on the negatives
The Group of Eight recognised reality; “we understand the acute financial impost of COVID-19 on all industry sectors, so we are pleased to see the government providing funding certainty in those most uncertain and debilitating times,” CEO Vicki Thomson said yesterday.
But she added that her members are facing a $3bn shortfall in revenue and their continuing capacity to assist staff and students, “is rapidly being exhausted.”
“ Our biggest challenge is ensuring we can continue to do the research, which at its core is all about people, which will change and save lives – including research related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The Australian Technology Network focused on positives, welcoming the government’s guarantee of existing funding for domestic student places and applauding the new 20 000 short course places.
“ Certainty of Commonwealth funding will ensure ATN universities to continue to deliver research and teaching for hundreds of thousands of students, while doing the heavy lifting in skills development to aid Australia’s recovery. “The ATN saw the short-courses, “as a recognition of the crucial role that universities have in responding to this crisis and will have in the eventual recovery.”
The Innovative Research Universities called “guaranteed” funding for domestic students, “an important first step” but asked for more, “the Government’s package is only a partial answer. It still leaves the universities facing a big hole in international student fee income, research funding and other commercial income.”
Independent Higher Education Australia welcomed the announcement, notably the six month hold on the loan fee students at private providers pay to access HELP loans. The lobby was particularly pleased with the new funding for short courses, which will allow people to, “continue their career growth through a period of reduced employment opportunities.”
The Regional Universities Network was also positive, welcoming the regulation fee suspension, the confirmation of base funding and the short-course plan. “RUN is beginning to consider post-pandemic opportunities to support industry and boost economic development, to strengthen and renew partnerships with industry and community stakeholders, and to align our research expertise and capability with areas of need in the communities in which we operate” chair Helen Bartlett (VC Federation U) says.