Group of Eight makes case for higher student support payments

The Go8 and the Australian Council of Social Services partner to advocate for equity in access to higher education

They will make their case today at a Parliament House roundtable of education, government and welfare agencies.

The partners will use the platform to renew their call for a $75pw increase in Newstart and lifts to educated related payments, with bi-annual indexing of Youth Allowance and Austudy.

“We have a strong equity profile which is often not recognised nor understood and as policy leaders we have the convening power to actually make a difference in this space,” Go8 CEO Vicki Thomson says.

The Go8 argues, “its students work hard to set up a future, not only to provide an income and a career path for themselves, but to contribute to the economy. The nation increasingly needs a more educated workforce and a first-world nation owes it to its students to ensure they are financially supported to succeed in their studies. It is an investment in Australia’s future.”


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