Group of Eight call for an independent education funding agency

The Group of Eight has called for a comprehensive funding model for post-secondary education, covering all course levels from sub-degree to postgrad places. And it proposes an independent body, “that has authority and responsibility for funding and outcomes while simultaneously retaining budget integrity.”

“A consistent and comprehensive policy that delivers clarity with respect to funding and Commonwealth support across all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes is essential,” the elite uni lobby states in its submission to the government review  of funding postgraduate coursework (CMM November 14 2018).

But the Go8 warns against the Commonwealth allocating masters places according to apparent workforce need or graduate employment outcomes, “as governments have not demonstrated any reliable capability in this area for a considerable time.”

The Eight also:

* asks government to “consider the consequences” of explicitly linking PG places with professional accreditation requirements

* calls on Canberra to abandon the idea of allocating places on the basis of teaching quality – as measured by student satisfaction

* argues the importance of distinct institutional mission and context as criteria for allocating CSPs must be emphasised


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