Grad employment looking good

Employment of domestic grads with new UG degrees was well off the pandemic bottom last year, as set out by new survey results from the Commonwealth’s Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching

At 78.5 per cent, FT employment for 2022 was nearly ten per cent up on the ’20 (68.7 per cent and ’21 (68.9 per cent) figures. Overall employment was also up, but by around 4 per cent on both previous years, to 88.3 per cent.

The FT employment rate for undergraduate degree completers is the highest since 2009.

QILT reports new bachelor grad’s (including internationals) overall satisfaction with their course was 77.4 per cent for 2022, the lowest score for what was previously a stable rating, 80.6 per cent in 2016 and 80.7 per cent in 2020.  However the drop is not as pronounced as the previous year’s student survey – maybe people mellow after they graduate.

As ever, universities were out yesterday promoting their QILT scores, which makes worth noting QILT comments; “it is important to acknowledge that factors beyond the quality of teaching, careers advice and the like, such as course offerings, the composition of the student population and variations in state/territory and regional labour markets, may also impact on employment outcomes.