Govt backs AQF review

The government has accepted all higher education recommendations in Peter Noonan and colleagues’ review of the Australian Qualifications Review

And it backs the proposals for VET, which require state and territory support.  Professor Noonan (Victoria U) and colleagues propose a simpler hierarchy for knowledge and skills recognition and clearer pathways across training and higher education (CMM October 24).

While a new AQF will put VET on the centre of the post-school stage with higher education, Universities Australia was quick to back the government yesterday. “The aim of this review was really to bring the framework into the 21st century so it better aligns student skills and capabilities under each qualification type. …  In the future, many more Australians will take advantage of life-long learning, with some university and some VET study. It is encouraging to see policy settings revised with that flexibility in mind.”

The Australian Technology Network also supports the government’s response; saying backing Noonan, “provides a platform for future tertiary education reform.”

“Peter Noonan and his fellow reviewers have put in place a sound platform for future reform which will support skilling and re-skilling for lifelong learning.”


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