Government funding for VET cracked $10bn last year

But the 37 per cent increase on 2020 is not as impressive as it sounds

The estimable National Centre for Vocational Education Research reports states and territory 2021 funding of $4.2bn was up nearly 10 per cent on 2020 while the Commonwealth kicked in an extra $6.3bn, a 64 per cent increase.

However the biggest element of the increase was in Commonwealth wage support for apprentices and trainees – all up employer assistance was $3.7bn in 2021, a 155 per cent increase in 2020.  In contrast, total spending on “Direct VET delivery” increased by 7 per cent, to $5.4bn.

Payments to TAFE were $4.2bn (up 10 per cent) and to private providers $1.2bn (a 15 per cent increase).