Last week’s Australian Awards for University Teaching included 78 citations
The spread by criteria is;
* teaching and learning that “influence, motivate and inspire students to learn”: 34
* curricula/resources “that reflect a command of the field”: 24
* effective assessment: four
* innovation/leadership enhancing learning-teaching/student experience: 16
Disciplines with awards in double digits are;
* Health (by a country km) 21 * bized 12 * education, ten.
In contrast, engineering, IT, architecture and building combined managed but one. For whatever it is worth, the disciplines rated under average for UG satisfaction with teaching, by four per cent to seven per cent, in the most recently released Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching.
The list of citations is here.
Scroll down for Mitch Parsell on the achievements of John Biggs, the 2021 life-time achievement winner in the Australian Awards for University Teaching