The Quality Initial Teacher Education Review released yesterday proposes a national body to recommend distribution of student places among universities “based on quality and other relevant factors”
These could include “performance-based assessments” “with publicly available information” on how each higher education provider scores on the quality measures.
Other key recommendations for ITE faculties in yesterday’s QITER report include
* “reward good performance of schools, groups of schools, systems, employers and higher education providers, with a focus on rewarding those that use evidence-based approaches to the teaching of reading and support innovation in the delivery of evidence-based approaches.”
* establishing national standards for the teacher performance assessments providers use in assessing final year students. And, give HE institutions a max three goes to get their TPAs endorsed
* providers to report proportion of staff with “substantial recent experience” teaching in schools/childcare
Acting Education Minister Stuart Robert responded yesterday by announcing the Scott quality assurance panel and committing to “further announcements in the coming weeks.”
A policy that requires education faculties to compete for performance-based funding (via CSP allocations) which was publicly announced would make for quite an announcement. Especially during an election.