The Australian Research Council awarded three Discovery grants to economists in the recent round seven less than for this year and way down on 16 in 2020
As for the next generation, just one Discovery Early Career Award went to an economist, for 2023, compared to five in 2019.
Some economists are wondering if it is something the discipline said. And they are alarmed that there are only two economists in the ARC College of Experts, said to be half of what there once was and not proportionate to the number of applications from the discipline.
So alarmed that the heads of 17 schools and departments have written to fellow economist Richard Holden (UNSW) wearing his Australian Academy of the Social Sciences presidential hat, asking for the academy to engage on the issue.
This may be their best hope – the terms of reference for the Sheil Inquiry into the ARC do not really suit such a discipline-specific concern.