Discovery Indigenous awards

There are nine new projects funded by the ARC

They share $7.1m with a success rate of 38 per cent. All but one projects are multi-researcher with lead investigators and administering universities being;

Marnee Shay (Uni Queensland): co-designing Indigenous education policy

Michael-Shawn Fletcher (Uni Melbourne): changes in bushfire behaviour from Indigenous to “British” management

Bep Uink (Murdoch U): covert racism faced by Indigenous youth

Naomi Sunderland (Griffith U): First Nations’ music as determinant of health

Dale Chapman (Uni Queensland): towards an Indigenous-led bush food industry

Kevin Lowe (UNSW): Indigenous content in curriculum

Maggie Walter (solo researcher-Uni Tasmania): initiating an Indigenous lifecourse research agenda

Chelsea Bond (Uni Queensland): Indigenist Health Humanities. “Advancing new knowledge, advancing research careers and advancing health outcomes for Indigenous people.”

B J Newton (UNSW): lived experiences and outcomes of Aboriginal parents whose children are restored from care.