Jane den Hollander’s farewell address was state of art, convincing, compelling, celebrating staff, sharing success
“There was a time when few in Victoria chose Deakin. Today we are a university of choice,” she told staff in a speech last week, marking her retirement.
“There was a time when we were in the bottom 10 of the sector for research excellence. Today our results reflect a university currently ranked ten in Australia. Our graduates are the most satisfied in the state, our digital approach is regarded as world leading. We are renowned in India. We are robustly financial, we are stylish and, best of all, we like each other.
“By any measure you can be proud of your university. However, what I most admire about us is the strength of the collective effort to go in the same direction, a non-trivial task for those of us who have worked in universities our whole lives!
I thank you for your many acknowledgements of me as the leader but whatever comes in the future you, Deakin staff, are the wind in the sails of this place. “
She will be missed by campus and community both. As the Geelong Advertiser put it, “Professor den Hollander has made an indelible mark on Geelong, as the city emerges triumphant after a period of immense upheaval.”