New VC Harlene Hayne is reported in the West Australian newspaper that face to face lectures “will not be abandoned” but there will more blended learning
So, is this a change on last year, before Professor Hayne took over, when a university strategy included no more lectures by end 2021? The plan then was for students to spend 70 per cent of a unit in, “class time, specialised labs, specialised teaching spaces” and there would be three ten-15 minute “Curtin talks” on a “single topic or concept” per week. (CMM November 30).
But now, “Curtin is looking at how we can deliver course content in the most engaging, interesting and flexible way so that our students can enjoy more interactive, high-value learning experiences when they are on campus. They can collaborate; debate; explore; and engage with the material – through face to face tutorials, laboratories, seminars and other small group learning opportunities,” the university stated yesterday.
Good-o, but what about live-lectures?
“How our lecture content will be delivered, along with many other aspects of our learning and teaching are up for discussion and still in the consultation phase. So, delivery of that content is not settled (via lectures, small group classes, or anything else). What we can say is that, whatever happens, the actual time spent in face-to-face teaching and learning will not be reduced.”