CRC Projects Round 12 announced

CRC Ps are short-term, industry-researcher partnerships. Projects and lead/research organisation partners in funding announced last night are

* Cannabinoiod pharmaceuticals ( Cannapacifc, CSIRO, UNSW, Uni Newcastle)

* Green hydrogen (Endua, CSIRO)

* Data innovation triaging at-risk Australians (Vlepis, RMIT, UTS, NSW Smart Sensing Network)

* Betavoltaic battery manufacturing (Phosenergy, Uni SA, UWA, Uni Adelaide)

* Tyre waste for polymer composites (Bioplant, RMIT, Uni Melbourne)

* Carbon-free ammonia manufacture (Jupiter Ionics, Monash U)

* Diagnostic-imaging for cancer surgery (Oncores Medical, UWA)

* mRNA manufacturing for clinical trials (Bridgewest Australia, Uni Adelaide)

* Intra-aortic balloon heart assist device: (QHeart Medical, Monash U, Uni Queensland)

* mRNA vaccine for bacterial infection: (Denteric, CSL, Uni Melbourne)

* Reusable hypersonic platform: (Hypersonic Launch Systems, Uni Southern Queensland)

* Quantum-tech in space manufacturing (Q-CTRL, ANU)

* Affordable sodium borohydride as hydrogen carrier (Boron Molecular, UTS)


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