COVID-19 crisis compensation: what Curtin U students want

And what management is providing

Curtin U’s student union wants a cut to the cost of on-line units. “Students are feeling the difference in quality of education from face-to-face to online study. … Why charge students the same amount for online learning as for face-to-face learning?

They also want COVID-19 driven fail-grades excluded from their records and a six-month extension for HDR scholarships and submissions.

All three demands are in-line with student association demands across the country.

The university responds;

*  “greater flexibility” in the way grades are recorded is in-place and exam boards have “greater discretion”

* on fee reductions, Curtin U has,” worked hard to provide a good on-line study experience for our students, drawing on our long history of experience in on-line learning that is standing us in good stead right now. We are also monitoring student feedback closely”

* a “blanket extension” for HDR submission and scholarships is not necessary. “Curtin U will work closely with any HDR students who require additional support.”