A month back VC Andy Vann told staff the university needed to change, he’s starting the process
CSU faces a COVID-19 driven decline of $80m (on 2019 budgeted revenues of $586m) and is looking for immediate savings. In April staff heard the university is looking at a deficit this year.
But there is more to this than repairing the damage of a drop in international student fees. At the beginning of April Professor Vann and members of his executive set out for staff things that need to change. There were problems with enrolments, as in not enough of them, wrong-sized campuses as learning moves on-line and subjects available in the wrong places (CMM April 3).
And now the VC announces change is starting.
“We must implement an operating model that is structured to meet our needs as a university and those of our communities, delivering distinctive degrees and quality teaching, learning and research,” he said yesterday.
As to head count cuts, now there will be, “changes to the workforce, as part of a review of courses and campuses and a review of non-salary expenses.” A first-round consultation paper is due in June.
But more job changes may follow early next year, presumably after campus and course structures are sorted. Professor Vann adds “this is not a decision the university has made lightly and we are very mindful of the impact this would have on any staff affected.”