Education emerged unscathed from yesterday’s ministerial changes with Alan Tudge continuing as portfolio minister and Andrew Gee keeping responsibility for regions
However, training and science both have new ministers. Karen Andrews moves to Home Affairs and is replaced by Christian Porter in Industry, Science and Technology and Stuart Roberts covers skills as part of his broad employment portfolio.
Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia was quick (as in not many minutes after the announcement) to congratulate Mr Roberts and suggest “an important task,” for him is “ensuring that Australia’s vocational education and training sector is reformed in a way that empowers student choice.”
ITECA’s Troy Williams also thanked outgoing minister, Michaelia Cash, who has made, “substantial inroads to the considerable task of unravelling and renegotiating” state and territory funding arrangements.
Luke Sheehy from the Australian Technology Network farewelled Karen Andrews, thanking her for “strong advocacy for Women in STEM and advanced manufacturing” and welcomed Christian Porter.
As did the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, pointing to Ms Andrews “commitment to the creation and application of Australian science, technology and engineering,” and her support for the Women in STEM Decadal Plan and advocacy “for increased women’s participation at all levels of the STEM sector.”