Business schools out of the box

The snappily titled Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business announces its 2018 “innovations that inspire.” Apparently, “business schools are change-agents, creating environments where out-of-the-box thinking thrives.”

Local bizoids with ideas bigger than any box are founded at:

Deakin U : for its future academic leader programme

Monash U: for using “insights” from neuroscience and behaviour-change research in an MBA to turn “hope into habit” with students developing “physical, cognitive and emotional resilience”

QUT: for a 55km charity walk, for students, “to utilise their essential business acumen in a live outdoor environment where leadership decisions have real consequences.”

Uni SA: for forums for SME leaders on growing businesses

Victoria U of Wellington: for a “virtual field trip” to cyber-Fiji to explore creating a business for sustainable development


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