Brian Schmidt’s Accord hope: education for productive and happy lives

The ANU VC makes a personal submission to the O’Kane Accord

The soon-ish to be not vice chancellor (he steps down at year-end) proposes ideas to ensure Australians have the education and skills, “matched to their ability and aspiration” for “productive and happy” lives. Writing as an ANU Distinguished Professor he sets out high policy and operational ideas, including;

* “a life-time of education from a single system:” one subsidy plus income contingent loan to fund fees for all accredited non-profit tertiary providers

* fully-fund “core sovereign-research capability:” to include “curiosity” and applied research

* five-25 year funding for translation of research “for the public good” plus “agile bottom-up support of individuals’ translation ideas”. Particular attention to areas market failure

* university funding and accountability set out in accords

* “sustainable academic workforce” “most workers in the academy (post education) have prospects of long-term sustained employment”

* foundational research: government should set a minimum funding floor, as a fraction of GDP

*”making the most of government spending:” notably in defence. With business and universities to, “play a much larger role in delivering capability”


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