Brace! Brace! Brace!- QILT is coming

Word is the excellent Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching undergraduate survey for ’21 is out next week

And if not then it won’t be far behind. Officials nominated “June” for its release last month (CMM, May 10).

It’s already way later than last year’s 2020 survey, which was in March. Cynics suggest the delay is due to the previous government not wanting to take campaign heat from lower student satisfaction score, due to COVID lockdowns and closed borders – but what can you expect from cynics?

Universities have had their own results for months and are now waiting to learn how they compare, especially in Victoria.

In COVID year one Uni Melbourne and Monash U had terrible QILT results, UoM was down 25 points on its 2019 student satisfaction score and Monash U dropped 18 points (CMM March 19 2021).