Bad news first at Macquarie U Business School

Staff selected for redundancy to learn their fate this week

Staff “selected for redundancy” will get the word today through Wednesday – but at least they are getting a choice how they hear. Dean, Eric Knight has sent faculty a form asking if people want to hear if they have lost their job – on the phone, via Zoom or in-person.

Survivors will get the good news after those to go are told.

“I want to thank you all for your patience and engagement in the process to date. I recognise that it has been a difficult process and the next few weeks will be particularly challenging,” Professor Knight states.

It has certainly been difficult for staff in scope for the 12-16 redundancies, (from 118 FTE positions). People were asked to make submissions, setting out achievements according to a provided formula (CMM April 20). Interviews were not part of the process, unless the selection committee could not “differentiate between individuals” in which case people had the option of not appearing.