Expression of interest to join Uni Tasmania’s community panel close Sunday – it’s the latest move to keep on track the controversial campus to the Hobart CBD plan
The project is called the ShakeUp and “its aim is to ensure the community contributes to how the university’s campus in the CBD comes together”
“For this consolidation to be as successful as possible, input is needed from everyone it will affect. Only then will Hobart and the university be able to thrive together,” U Tas optimistically asserts.
Not that the university had much choice. Despite years of talking to Hobart city constituencies, vocal opposition continues to the city-switch and the concomitant exit from and property development of the existing Sandy Bay site.
Opposition runs the gamut of issues from parking and accessibility and impact on city businesses through to loss of amenity for Sandy Bay residents. Critics suggest that the university is behaving like a property developer and should stick to its educational knitting.
So vocal was the criticism at a public meeting in May, the city council told Uni Tas to consult some more (CMM July 15).