The 2021 awards were announced at a Universities Australia ceremony yesterday
Teacher of the year: Katerina Teaiwa (ANU)
Career achievement: John Biggs (U Tas)
Teaching awards: * Nick Brown (RMIT) * Vinod Gopalan (Griffith U) * Ambelin Kwaymulina (UWA)* Michelle Lazarus (Monash U) * Bonnie McBain (Uni Newcastle)* * Katherine O’Brien (QUT) * Katerina Teaiwa (ANU) * Diana Tolmie (Griffith U)
Programme awards: * Edith Cowan U: Inclusion in action * Griffith U: Bachelor of Pharmacy * Monash U: Integrating science and practice: authentic learning and assessment * Uni Wollongong: Jindaola (“educational development grants program facilitated by a local traditional knowledge holder and established in consultation with local Aboriginal community”)
The awards include 78 citations, across eight discipline categories, which are here.