Australia Day Hons: Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia, A-L

Phillip Antippa thoracic surgery, Uni of Melbourne.

Rosanna Baini, Lebanese community, Victoria U. Patricia Burke, charitable organisations, Victoria U.

Donald Campbell, trauma medicine, Griffith U. Jahana Cedar, services to Indigenous community WA, Curtin U. Adele Chynoweth, public history, ANU. Jeffrey Cohen, community health, University of Notre Dame, Australia.  Joan Cribb, higher education, Uni Queensland.

Gionni Di Gravio, community history, Uni Newcastle. Jennifer Doubell, charitable organisations, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute. Kerrie Anne Dougherty, astronautical history, International Space University. Peter Doukas, multiculturalism, Uni Sydney.

Diana Egerton-Warburton, emergency medicine, Monash U.  Nicholas Evans, neonatal medicine, Uni Sydney.

Cecily Freemantle, population health, Uni Melbourne.

Antony Graham, vascular surgery, UNSW.

Shane Huntington, science communicator, Uni Melbourne.

Gregory Keighery, conservation, WA Government. Deborah Kenna, National Cancer Institute.

Liang Joo Leow, medicine, UNSW. Matthew Luther, nursing, Australian Catholic U.


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