ATN finds thinks to like about Linkages

The Australian Technology Network thinks positive on new industry fund

The Australian Technology Network’s response to the proposed new uni-industry linkage fund is a model of clarity and courtesy.  The National Priorities and Industry Linkage Fund will allocate block grants to universities for work on integrated learning and industry connections.

The ATN finds things to like in the NPILF prop, for example, that “it sends an important signal to universities and industry about the importance of collaboration and partnerships.” But ATN also points out, “while there are benefits from ensuring the businesses engage with a similar and structured approach across the sector, it is by encouraging universities to develop new ideas that we can improve our industry engagement.”

ATN also comments on the proposed funding metrics. “The wide range of indicators allows universities not to be overly worried about meeting simplistic and compliance focused metrics, but it does have the potential to introduce more complexity.”

ATN chair Attila Brungs (UTS VC) chaired the VC group appointed by Education Minister Dan Tehan to advise on the fund’s design.