As VET takes centre stage agencies are keen to be seen

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations announces, “better data, faster”

Apparently VET reporting systems, “can be unnecessarily burdensome, multi-layered and complex.” But now there’s VET Data Streamlining, “to ensure the sector is able to harness the power of high-quality, timely data to address future and emerging challenges from a position of strength.”

Some changes will mean faster admin on student transcripts and course info, easier admin of records, and one that will be a wonder to behold, “a consolidated and nationally consistent VET Information Standard that includes state and territory data elements.”

The estimable National Centre for Vocational Education Research is here to help

The agency’s submission  to the Senate committee inquiry into the Jobs and Skills Agency bills states it is “keen to support” JSA. “In due course, NCVER would like to explore with the new organisation how we can participate in and help advance the work.”

“Our skills (supply) data and research are extensive and crucial to understanding key skills and supply questions and would supplement the demand side information produced by other agencies,” NCVER assures senators.