Gabriella Edelstein (Uni Newcastle) has a $46 000 fellowship to fund work in the British Museum on censorship in 16-17th century English plays. The money comes from the Uni Melbourne administered S Ernest Sprott Fellowship which funds research on English literature of that period.
The WA cancer researcher of the year is Gary Lee from UWA.
Ann McGrath is the new Hancock professor of history at ANU. The chair is named for Keith Hancock, the university’s foundation professor of history.
The Australian Academy of Science announces Louise Moes is manager of diversity and inclusion. Ms Moes has a strong background in government and the welfare sector. She is a former Labor staffer.
Kevin Dunn has a 12-month appointment as Western Sydney U PVC R. He moves from dean of social sciences psychology and lead dean, rankings.
Uni Sydney politics professor Simon Tormey is off to the UK to become dean of social sciences and law at Bristol U.
The Lowitja Institute names Indigenous maternal health researcher, Catherine Chamberlain (La Trobe U) its Research Leadership Award winner.
John Church (UNSW) is a co-winner of the BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge award for climate change science. He receives Euro 400 000 in recognition of his research on sea level response to climate change. BBVA is a Spanish bank.
The Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering’s awards are announced.
Innovation: Thorsten Trupke and Robert Bardos (both USW). Solar cell manufacturing
Entrepreneur: Jane Oppenheim (Ego Pharmaceuticals). Sales growth.
Knowledge commercialisation: Anthony Weiss (Uni Sydney). Synthetic skin for wound care.
Batterham Medal: Michael Milford (QUT). Autonomous vehicles and robotics.
ICM Agrifood Award (i): Lee Hickey (Uni Queensland). Plant breeding and genetics for cereal crops.
ICM Agrifood Award (ii): Lydia Ong (Uni Melbourne). Molecular study of dairy protein and fat.
Ezio Rizzardo Polymer Scholarship: Naomi Paxton (QUT). Biofabrication of body parts.