Appointments, achievements of the week

Sally McArthur (Swinburne U) and Andrea O’Connor (Uni Melbourne) win Research Excellence Awards from the Australasian Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering.

Stuart Dignam is appointed CEO of MTP Connect, (“the industry growth centre for the medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector”). Formerly COO he has acted as MTP’s chief executive since January.

Sylvia Gustin (UNSW) wins the inaugural Rebecca Cooper Fellowship. Associate Professor Gustin has $1.35m to research spinal cord injuries.

 Elizabeth Hartland (Murdoch IMR and Monash U) is new chair of the Victoria chapter of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes. She replaces Brendan Crabb (Burnett Institute).  

Bond U reports Libby Sander become director of the MBA programme. It is an internal appointment.