Nathaniel Belcher will join Curtin U as head of the design and built environment school. He moves from Pennsylvania State U.
Ann Bonner takes over Monday as head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Griffith U. She joins from QUT.
Jodieann Daw is to join Uni SA as director of research and innovation. She moves from Flinders U where she managed research development and support. Prior to that she was research and engagement head at the estimable National Centre for Vocational Education Research.
Andrew Flatau is promoted to head of the dentistry and health sciences school at Charles Sturt U. He replaces Francesco Marino who was acting following the departure of Boyen Huang.
Patricia Kelly joins the Australian Research Integrity Commission as chair. John Finlay-Jones joins as a member. Ms Kelly is a former director general of IP Australia. Mr Finlay-Jones is a Charles Darwin U emeritus professor.
Jane Mills is to be head of La Trobe U’s rural health school. She will move from Massey U in NZ, where she is health college PVC.
Rachel Parker will move to Uni Queensland in July to be director of the Global Change Institute. She leaves QUT.
Zlatko Skrbis is acting provost at Australian Catholic University, replacing Pauline Nugent. Professor Nugent announced a July departure at the beginning of the year but has brought it forward. Professor Skrbis is DVC Education and Innovation at ACU.