The University of Tasmania announces Terry Bailey is the new executive director of the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies. Mr Bailey is a career bureaucrat in environment and national park management.
The University of Queensland appoints Tracey Bunda professor of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. She joins from the University of Southern Queensland.
Curtin VC Deborah Terry takes possession of the HE chair today, taking over at Universities Australia as the Morrison Government’s majority in the Reps was confirmed. She succeeds Monash U VC Margaret Gardner. Ian Jacobs (UNSW VC) and Margaret Sheil (VC QUT) also join UA’s board. Continuing directors re-elected are Brian Schmidt (ANU), John Dewar (La Trobe U), Andrew Vann (CSU), David Lloyd (UniSA) and Annabelle Duncan (UNE).
Maxim Goryachev wins the National Measurement Institute 2019 award for “measurement excellence in a young individual”. Dr Goryachev is a post doc fellow at UWA’s Frequency and Quantum Metrology Lab.
John Fahey is reappointed chancellor at Australian Catholic University. His second five-year term starts in September.
Suzanne Fraser is announced as director of La Trobe U’s Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society. Professor Fraser moves from the Curtin U based National Drug Research Institute. She will be joined at La Trobe U by her collaborator at the National Drug Research Institute, David Moore.