Of the day
At QUT’s Business School Paula McDonald becomes assistant dean, research.
Chris Rizos (emeritus professor civil engineering UNSW) is the new president elect of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.
Of the week
Janelle Wheat starts work today as PVC learning and teaching at Charles Sturt U. She moves from UNSW, where she is deputy dean – education in the science faculty.
Michael Ondaatje is inaugural PVC arts and academic culture at Australian Catholic U. He moves from head of the National School of Arts at the university.
Laurie Pearcey is new CEO of UNSW Global, he continues as the university’s PVC. Global is the UNSW pathway provider.
Andre Brett (University of Wollongong) wins the Australian Historical Society’s Allan Martin award to assist early career historians with a research trip.
Shaun Goldfinch is the Australia and New Zealand School of Government’s inaugural WA Government Chair in Public Administration and Policy. He will be based at Curtin U and moves from Victoria U of Wellington.
Griffith U research professor Allan Cripps is the new chair of the Children’s Health Alliance, an initiative of the Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service and the Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Sarah O’Shea and Janine Delahunty (both Uni Wollongong) win the Higher Education Research and Development Journal article of the year for their, “Getting through the day and still having a smile on my face: how do students define success in the university learning environment?” You can read it, here.
The University of Melbourne announces the 2019 chancellor’s prizes for PhD theses; Katherine O’Connor (Melbourne Graduate School of Education), Tyne Sumner, (Culture and Communication), Andrew Price (Mathematics and Statistics), Michela Mariani (Management and Geography), Joshua Foreman (Ophthalmology Ear and Eye Hospital.
QUT is making its own Anthony Clarke a doctor of science, an honour last awarded ten-years back. Professor Marshall is honoured for his research on fruit flies of the Asia-Pacific.
Amanda Barbosa (Murdoch U) wins the Odile Bain Memorial Prize, awarded by journal Parasites and Vectors for research on med/vet parasitology. Dr Barbosa studies ticks.