New Australian Institute of Criminology research grants go to, * Rebecca Scott Bray
and Greg Martin (Uni Sydney): impact on criminal justice of coronial inquiries/recommendations on deaths in custody * Hilde Tubex, Victoria Hovane, Stella Tarrant (UWA): “use of force by Indigenous women” * Meredith Rossner, Miranda Forsyth, Janet Hope, Lorana Bartels (ANU): survivor-centred restorative justice in response to sexual violence * Mary Iliadis, Delanie Woodlock, Michael Slater, Zarina Vakhitova (Deakin U): trauma informed responses for sexual assault victims * Sarah Bennett, John Gilmour, Kristi Anderson (Uni Queensland): reducing case attrition in sexual offence investigation
Adeeba Kamarulzaman will become CEO of Monash U Malaysia in May. Professor Kamarulzaman moves from Universiti Malaya. She is a medicine graduate from Monash U.
Ms Australia (as in multiple sclerosis) marks its 50 anniversary with 50 awards to individuals and organisations, “recognising the outstanding, consistent and selfless service and many contributions towards the MS movement.” Institutions awarded include, ANU, Menzies IMR, Monash U, Uni Adelaide, Uni Melbourne, Uni Sydney, UWA.
At Griffith U Cindy Shannon becomes DVC (Indigenous, Diversity and Inclusion). She moves up from Griffith’s PVC Indigenous.