Appointments, achievements

The Law and Society Association of ANZ awards its 2021 publication prizes. * Book:  Alysia Blackham (Uni Melbourne) for Reforming age discrimination law (OUP)  and Kcasey McLoughin  (Uni Newcastle) for Law, women judges and the gender order (Routledge) * Article/chapter: Anna High and Mihiata Pirini, “Dignity and mana in the ‘third law’ of Aotearoa New Zealand” NZ Law Review * ECR: Sara Dehm, Legal Exclusions: Émigré Lawyers, Admissions to Legal Practice and the Cultural Transformation of the Australian Legal Profession” Federal Law Review

Anushka Patel becomes CEO of the George Institute for Global Health, she moves from the George Institute.

Uni Adelaide announces its achievement awards (and with apologies for anyone missed)

Research: * Joanne Hedges (Indigenous Oral Health Unit) * Shaobin Wang (Chemical Eng)

ECR: * Katharina Richter (Medical School) * Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Research team: Akction (Aboriginal Kidney Care Together, Improving Outcomes Now – Nursing School)  * Samantha Bateman * Isaac Brown * Melissa Arnold-Chamney  * Alyssa Cormick * Amy Graham * Jared Kartinyeri  * Janet Kelly * Rhanee Lester * Kim O’Donnell * Kelli Owen * Elizabeth Rix * Nari Sinclair * Tahlee Stevenson * Kynesha Temple-Varcoe

Research team: Greater McArthur Basin Team. Physical Sciences * Morgan Blades * Alan Collins* Juraj Farkas * Rosalind King * Angus Nixon  * Carl Spandler * Darwinaji Subarkah * Georgina Virgo. Petroleum and Energy Resources: Simon Holford

Student experience: * Elizabeth Becket (Biomedicine) * Brandon Pullen (Sciences, Engineering and Tech) * Team: Welcome Back Festival (Academic, Student Engagement) * Geoffrey Denison * Owen Lindsay * Melanie Officer * Dave Thomson * Emmanuel Tibatemwa * Nicola Venditozzi * Annette Wheatley. Team: Education Transformation: * Tanya Dahlenburg * Belinda Fordham * Jorge Garcia

Impact, Excellence * Corinna Van Den Heuvel (Biomedicine) Team: Academic Integrity * Laura Hall * Tavik Morgenstern * Sharon Nitschke * Amy Milka * Sarah Oakley

Community Team: * Joanne England *Shanelle Gale * Renee Johnson * Belinda Kon * Brooke Lee * Katie Lightowler * Alexis McKay *Ashleigh Mercury * Melanie Officer * Antonette Severino

Exceptional contribution: Ross Savvas (Law)