Appointments, achievements

The Australian Institute of Physics announces its 2022 medallists. * Women in leadership Medal: Celine Boehm (Uni Sydney) * Laby Medal (thesis): Katherine Curtis (ANU) * Education Medal: John Elias Debs (ANU) * Comms Award: Geraint Lewis (Uni Sydney) * Boas Medal (leadership): Susan Scott (ANU) * Payne-Scott Award (for “key insights”): Phiala Shanahan * Massey Medal (contributions and leadership): Jim Williams (ANU) * Bragg Gold Medal (outstanding thesis): Sebastian Wolf (Un Melbourne).

L’Oreal Australia’s 2022 ANZ Women in Science Fellows include, Hui-Fern Kogy (Doherty Institute) * Georgia Atkin-Smith (the MRI formerly known as Walter and Eliza Hall) * Rebecca Morris (Uni Melbourne) * Noushin Nasiri (Macquarie U) * Essie Rodgers (Uni Canterbury)

 Siobhan McHugh (Uni Wollongong) is a member of the team that has won a Walkely (as in media awards) for Best Audio Feature. It’s for podcast, The Greatest Menace: inside the gay prison experiment.

The WA State Archives ’22 Margaret Medcalf Award for archival research goes to j Emily Lanman (Uni Notre Dame Australia) and Leigh Straw (also UNDA) for separate projects.