Appointments, achievements

Lucy Arthur joins ANU from UTS. She becomes Director of the Centre for Learning and Teaching.

Bill Ashraf is appointed Associate Dean for teaching and learning in Auckland University of Technology’s Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences. He is now an honorary professor at Macquarie U.

Kate Hoy and team move to the Bionics Institute from Monash U and the Epworth Centre. They will work on a new treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease.

2022 Laureate Fellows are, * Timothy Bedding (Uni Sydney) asteroseismology to measure the age of stars * Larissa Behrendt (UTS) “a First Nations sovereign approach to decolonising colonial institutions” * David Bowman (Uni Tasmania) community coexistence with bushfire * Cyrille Boyer (UNSW) “light-driven manufacturing for (re)programmable materials * Anne Castles (Macquarie U) declining literacy among Australian secondary school children * Simon Driver (UWA), “unveiling the mass of the universe” * Joanne Etheridge (Monash U), “reimaging electron microscopy” * Alexander Fornito (Monash U) “maps and models of the human brain” * Andrew Hassell (ANU) theoretical maths to solve “open problems in wave propagation” * Mark Krumholz (ANU) galactic winds: what is their nature and what drives them * Lidia Morawska (QUT) “optimising indoor atmospheres to improve health, wellbeing, and comfort” * Michael Stumpf (Uni Melbourne) mathematical models of cells * Karen Thorpe (Uni Queensland) “time in early education and care for better life opportunity” * Matt Trau (Uni Queensland) “chemical reactions in confined systems controlled by applied electric fields” * Peter Veth (UWA) “new understandings of the 60 000 year custodianship of Australian deserts” * Nicolas Voelcker (Monash U) “wearable and implantable biosensors”