The medical research funding Viertel Foundation has announced $3.75m in mid-career fellowships, for Kim Jacobson, Monash U Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Laura Mackay, University of Melbourne’s Doherty Institute and James Ward from the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and Flinders University. There are also five one year clinical investigation scholarships ($85 000 each) which go to, Claudia de Bella (UniMelbourne), Gareth Gregory (Monash U), Piero Perucca (Monash U), Charlotte Slade (Melbourne Health) and Craig Wallington-Beddoe (Flinders University).
The UTS learning and teaching awards are announced.
Team teaching: Helena Asher-Chiang,Alex Thomson, Naomi Koh-Bellac from UTS Careers and Science. Individual teaching: Catherine Gorrie, Science. Early career teaching: Simon Knight, Transdisciplinary Innovation. Casual teaching: Amir Armanious, Business. Learning.futures award: Donna Rooney, Ann Reich, Nick Hopwood, Gregory Martin, Amanda Lizier, Annie Agnew, Jacqui McManus, Catherine Rafaelle, Amy Thomas, Arts and Social Sciences. Learning.futures award: Nicole Sutton, Raechel Wight. Business. Model of Learning award: Julia Prior, Engineering and IT. Social impact: Jane Hunter. Arts and Social Sciences. Indigenous Professional Capabilities (high commendation): Campbell Drake, Allan Teale, Michael Day. Design, Architecture and Building.