Appointments, achievements

Jonathan Pickering from the University of Canberra, has won the Australian Political Studies Association’s Peter Hay prize for a paper on environmental politics.

Kate Henne (ANU) is the American Society of Criminology’s Critical Criminologist of the Year. Dr Henne has an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award and a chair at the University of Waterloo in Canada.

The UNSW business school has appointed five professors of practise to, “embed industry experience within the curriculum.”  They are; Nicolas Chu, CEO technology business Sinorbis. Elaine Collins, insurance industry non-executive director. Jennifer Granger, ex ATO and UK Revenue and Customs. Peter Leonard, business lawyer in data analytics. Su-Ming Wong co-founder of equity funds manager CHAMP Ventures.

The NSW Premier’s awards for cancer research are announced; researcher of the year, Georgina Long – Melanoma Institute Australia. Make a difference award: Richard Scolyer – Melanoma Institute Australia. Highly cited publication: Australian Pancreatic Cancer Genome Initiative – Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Outstanding cancer clinical trials unit: Kinghorn Cancer Centre, Saint Vincent’s Health Network. Cancer research fellow: Anne Cust and Alexander Menzies, both – University of Sydney. Rising star: Antoinette Catherine Anazodo – UNSW.


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