Jonathan Churchill starts at ANU as Chief Information Officer. He moved from James Cook U.
Jane den Hollander (former VC of Deakin U and UWA) joins the board of WA Primary Health Alliance.
Livia Hool will lead WA’s first heart research centre, a partnership of Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, UWA and Wesfarmers.
Lidia Morawska is one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of 2021. Professor Morawaska (QUT) is an air quality researcher who recognised airborne transmission of COVID-19 was the key in-door transmission issue.
Mike Ryan is confirmed as PVC R at Monash U. He has acted in the role since June.
Angus Taylor (Lib, NSW) is the acting minister for Industry, Science and Technology following Christian Porter’s resignation, yesterday. Mr Taylor’s substantive portfolio is Energy and Emissions Reduction.