of the day
Georgina Long (Melanoma Institute Australia) wins the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences’ inaugural Outstanding Female Researcher Medal.
Olivia Perks is Uni Sydney’s new General Counsel. She joined the university in 2006 and has been director of Legal Services since 2014.
Derek Wilding (UTS) becomes chair of the expert research panel at the Public Interest Journalism Initiative in Melbourne.
Of the week
James Charles is the new director of Griffith U’s First People Health Unit. Professor Charles moved from Deakin U.
Gursel Alici is confirmed as executive dean, Engineering and Information Sciences at Uni Wollongong. He has acted in the role since June.
Sarah Bourke (ANU) wins the Stanner Award (for an academic manuscript) from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.
Linda Colley moves from CQU to the Queensland Public Service Commission to become special commissioner for equity and diversity.
Eleanor Huntington is leaving ANU for CSIRO. The dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science will become ED of Digital, National Facilities and Collections there. She leaves ANU on October for a November start at CSIRO. Also at CSIRO, Jonathan Law moves from the Mineral Resources Business Unit, to become ED, Growth.
The (Australasian Council of) Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities announce their inaugural awards. Education, innovation, employability: Karen Sutherland (Uni Sunshine Coast). Engagement and public comms: Grant Duncan (Massey U). Indigenous: Maggie Walter (Uni Tasmania). International: Deborah Lupton (UNSW). Research partnership and social impact: Nick Thieberger (Uni Melbourne)
Fiona Foley (Griffith U) wins the Queensland Premier’s Award for a work of state significance for her book, Biting the Clouds: A Badtjala perspective on the Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act, 1897 (UQP).
Denise Goldsworthy is the in-coming chancellor of Edith Cowan U. She will replace Kerry Sanderson in January. Ms Goldsworthy joined council in 2013 and is now deputy chancellor.
Nicolas Hart is appointed deputy lead of Flinders U’s Caring Futures Institute, for “a future where the highest standard of health and care is available for all.”
Jill Jones (Uni Adelaide) wins Uni Melbourne’s Wesley Michel Wright Prize in Poetry.
David Lancaster is the inaugural EOS chair in laser physics at Uni SA. EOS is Electro Optical Systems Pty Ltd.
Christopher Lawrence becomes dean, Indigenous Engagement in Curtin U’s Science and Engineering Faculty. He joins from UTS.
Ronika Power (Macquarie U) joins the board of the Australian Institute of Policy and Science.
Uni Queensland announces its 2021 research awards: Joel Carpenter (Engineering, Architecture and IP). Gary Chan (Health and Behavioural Sciences). Loic Yengo Dimbou (Institute for Molecular Bioscience). Camille Guillerey (Medicine). Jody Peters (Science). RuiRui Qia (Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology). Marnee Shay (Education). Ya-Yen Sun (Business, Economics, Law). Susannah Tye (Queensland Brain Institute).
At UTS Mark Evans moves from head of the School of Communications to PVC Enterprise Learning. Tony Macris will act in the comms school role pending the results of an external recruitment campaign.
The Victorian opposition frontbench is announced. Melina Bath is the assistant shadow for education. David Hodgett is the education shadow. Bridget Vallence is the new shadow minister for innovation, digital economy and medical research
Johanna Weaver becomes inaugural head of ANU’s new Tech Policy Design Centre. Ms Weaver is a former head of DFAT’s cyber affairs branch.
The 2021 Young Tall Poppies of Science for WA are announced, including Christopher Blyth (UWA), Mark Hackett (Curtin U), Joanna Melonek (UWA) Eleanor Sansom (Curtin U), Billy Sung (Curtin U), Alexander Tang (UWA), James Tweedley (Murdoch U)