At Uni Wollongong Marijka Batterham becomes head of the National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia
Brendan Crabb (Director of the Burnet Institute) will chair the Australian Global Health Alliance (“Australia’s pre-eminent peak body for global health organisations”).
Barbie Panther (Deakin U) and Rowena Harper (Edith Cowan U) join the committee of the Council of Australasian university leaders in learning and teaching.
Hazel Bateman (UNSW) is the inaugural chair of the International Pension Research Association. John Piggott (also UNSW) is a member of its executive committee.
David Sadler, UWA DVC E joins the board of UK higher education charity Advance HE.
Mark Taylor is leaving Macquarie U to become Victoria’s Chief Environmental Scientist at end July.
Ross Young becomes DVC Research and Innovation at Uni Sunshine Coast. He moves from health executive dean at QUT.