Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop (Uni Queensland) wins the 2020 Harrie Massey Medal from the Australian Institute of Physics. In February she was awarded the C.E.K. Mees Medal from the Optical Society of America.
At Uni Wollongong, Marc in het Panhuis becomes Interim ED, Science Medicine and Health, replacing previous interim dean, Tracey Moroney. “Exciting news” about a permanent appointment is said to be imminent.
At Edith Cowan U, Cobie Rudd becomes DVC (Regional Futures) and MD of the university’s Bunbury campus. In the latter role she replaces Lyn Farrell, who is retiring.
Magdalena Zych (Uni Queensland) is the Australian Institute of Physics 2020 Ruby Payne-Scott Award winner.
The Australasian Research Management Society announces appointments to its accreditation council, Kate Gunn (Children’s MRI) and Andy Hor (Agency for Science, Technology and Research of Singapore).
The Australian Health Research Alliance Women’s Health Research, Translation and Impact Network announces its inaugural rewards to support EMCRs.
The federally funded Alliance provides $15 000 to 36 people. (With 300 applicants, it’s the sort of success rate new researchers will have to get use to). They are (by first listed affiliation)
NSW Regional Health Partners: * Katherine Brain, Hunter Integrated Pain Service * Catherine Chojenta, Uni Newcastle * Melissa Harris, Uni Newcastle * Melinda Hutchesson, Uni Newcastle * Beth Mah, Hunter Medical Research Institute,
Sydney Health Partners: * Julieann Coombes, George Institute * Tessa Copp, Uni Sydney * Rachel Dodd, Uni Sydney * Megan Gow, Uni Sydney * Juliana Oliviera, Institute for Musculoskeletal Health *Anna Singleton, Uni Sydney * Xia Wang, George Institute * Phoebe Williams, Uni Sydney
Maridulu Budyari Gumal (Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise): * Sonali Gnanenthiran, UNSW * Alexandra Hawkey, Translational Health Research Institute * Kate McBride, Western Sydney U * Janelle Weise, UNSW
Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners: Heena Akbar, QUT * Jane Currie, QUT * Priya Martin, Uni Queensland
Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre: * Janelle James-McAlpine, James Cook U * Margaret Jordan, James Cook U
Health Translation SA: * Prabha Andraweera, Adelaide Medical School * Jane Chalmers, Uni SA * Jessica Grieger, Uni Adelaide * Erandi Hewawasam, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
Melbourne Academic Centre for Health: * Clare Whitehead, Uni Melbourne * Ali Fogarty, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre: * Caroline Gurvich, Monash U, *Anju Joham, Monash U * Siew Lim, Monash U * Jillian Tay, Monash U * Emily Camm, Hudson Institute of Medical Research
Western Australian Health Translation Network: Anne-Marie Eades, Curtin U * Georgia Halkett, Curtin University * Kristie Harper, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital