Of the day
Monash U dean of arts Sharon Pickering will act as DVC E during a search for a permanent successor to Susan Elliott, who becomes provost. Arts DD Rita Wilson will act as faculty head.
Miranda Rose receives the Elizabeth Usher Memorial Award from Speech Pathology Australia. Professor Rose is director of the Centre for Research Excellence in Aphasia Recovery and Rehabilitation at La Trobe U.
Of the week
At QUT, Rowena Barrett’s title changes from ED Entrepreneurship to PVC (Entrepreneurship).
Rebekha Brown becomes Monash U’s DVC R and Senior Vice President (of which position Monash U has a few (CMM June 1). She steps up from Senior Vice-Provost and Vice-Provost R.
Also at Monash U, Susan Elliott is new Provost and, yes Senior VP, replacing Marc Parlange who will soon be off on the road to (Uni of) Rhode Island. Professor Elliott’s new portfolio is expanded to cover international campuses, as well as faculties. She moves from DVC E.
Andrew Flannery is Uni Queensland’s new Chief Operating Officer, he moves from CFO.
Conor King is abdicating – the Innovative Research Universities ED will leave end July.
The Academy of Sciences in Gottingen (“a learned society steeped in tradition”) names Yixu Lu (Uni Sydney, School of Languages and Cultures) a Corresponding Fellow. One of Professor Lu’s research fields is German colonialism in China.
Mark Vaile will become chancellor of the University of Newcastle in July. Mr Vaile was federal National Party leader and deputy prime minister 2005-2007. He will replace Paul Jeans.
Some of the new Young Tall Poppies science award winners for NSW are Marissa Betts UNE (palaeontology), Hamish Clarke Uni Wollongong (bushfire risk and climate change) and Vittorio Orazio UNSW (cancer biology).