At QUT, Rowena Barrett’s title changes from ED Entrepreneurship to PVC (Entrepreneurship).
Rebekha Brown becomes Monash U’s DVC R and Senior Vice President (of which position Monash U has a few (CMM June 1). She steps up from Senior Vice-Provost and Vice-Provost R.
Also at Monash U, Susan Elliott is new Provost and, yes Senior VP, replacing Marc Parlange who will soon be off on the road to (Uni of) Rhode Island. Professor Elliott’s new portfolio is expanded to cover international campuses, as well as faculties. She moves from DVC E.
Andrew Flannery is Uni Queensland’s new Chief Operating Officer, he moves from CFO.
Some of the new Young Tall Poppies science award winners for NSW are Marissa Betts UNE (palaeontology), Hamish Clarke Uni Wollongong (bushfire risk and climate change) and Vittorio Orazio UNSW (cancer biology).