Of the day
Griffith U announces its teaching award winners
Group Excellence in Teaching * Stephanie Schleimer (Business) * Lise Johns (Human Services and Social Work)
Group Educational Leadership * Kylie Burns (Law) * Kirsten MacDonald (Business) * Jane Evans (Health) * Caryl Bosman (Sciences)
Group Active Learning * Abdullah Karaksha (Health) *Structural Engineering Team, Hong Guan, Shanmuganathan Gunalan, Benoit Gilbert, Hassan Karampour (Sciences)
Teaching Priority Areas * Sessional: Bronwyn Reid O’Connor (Education and Professional Studies) * Early career: Di Johnson (Accounting, Finance and Economics)
Innovative Assessment * Interactive oral assessments team, Popi Sotiriadou, (Tourism, Hotel and Sport Management), Amanda Daly, (Business Strategy) and Danielle Logan, (Office PVC Business)
Enhance Learning * Baugul Baugulin Yabruma (Well, Better, Always) First Peoples Health Programme, Roianne West, Vicki Saunders, Fiona Rowe Minniss, Jessica Armao, Kerry Hall, Stacey Vervoort, Melanie Syron, Neil Willmett, Chris Levinge, Robyn Ryan, (First Peoples Health Unit) * Medical Laboratory Science Programme, Indu Singh (Medical Science), Joanne Lewohl, Ian Cassady, Rebecca King, Avinash Kundur, Vinod Gopalan, Andrew Bulmer, Jaclyn McCullen, Roselyn Rose’Meyer, (Medical Science), Lirio Calderon-Gomez, (Health Technical Services)
Of the week
Leah Bromfield (Uni SA) is named a commissioner for the inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s response to child sexual abuse in institutional settings
Barry Keohane (Australian Film, Television and Radio School) joins radio network Grant Broadcasters. He says, “I will still do some coaching on the side.”
Josh Mylne is appointed deputy director of the Centre for Crop and Disease Management in WA, it’s a JV of the Grains Research and Development Corporation and Curtin University. Professor Mylne joins from UWA.
Leonora Risse (RMIT) is named a fellow of Women’s Leadership Institute Australia.
UTS wins the academic category in the Australian Library Design Awards