Of the day
Marissa Betts(UNE)wins the A H Voisey Medal (for earth scientists), from the Geological Society of Australia’s NSW division.
Of the week
Kaarin Anstey receives a senior researcher award from the Journal of Mental Health and Prevention. Professor Anstey is deputy director of the ARC’s Centre of Excellence in Ageing and Popular Research.
Hazel Bateman (UNSW) is appointed chair of the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement scientific council.
Dawn Bennett is leaving Curtin U to join Bond University as assistant provost.
IDP International reports Montse Castells is now Regional Director – Operations, for South East Asia and Joanna Storti joins as Commercial Director for IDP Connect, Asia Pacific.
Patricia Davidson receives a distinguished leadership award from the Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Professor Davidson is outgoing dean of nursing at Johns Hopkins U and incoming VC at Uni Wollongong.
Writer/director Wesley Enoch is appointed Indigenous Chair in the Creative Industries at QUT.
Rebecca Glauert moves from Telethon Kids Institute to scientific director at the Raine Study, (formerly known as the WA Pregnancy Cohort Study).
Noreen Golfman joins the academic advisory board of study-support provider (and CMM advertiser) Studiosity. Dr Golfman is former provost and VP Academic of Memorial U in Newfoundland
Renee Hindmarsh is South Australia’s first skills commissioner. She moves from SA Training Advocate, prior to which she was ED of the Australian Technology Network.
Rosemary Kayess (UNSW) is elected chair of the UN’s Committee on the rights of people with disabilities.
Martin Parkinson is the in-coming chair of ANU’s Sir Roland Wilson Foundation, which provides postgrad scholarships and PD for public servants. Dr Parkinson is a former secretary of both Treasury and Prime Minister and Cabinet. He is now chancellor of Macquarie U. Ken Henry is the foundation’s out-going chair.
Shabih Shakeel takes up his appointment as lab head at WEHI (that’s the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for people who did not get the memo about the new abbreviated name). His lab will research heterochromatin, which apparently is, “the dark matter of genome.”
At Western Sydney U, Michelle Trudgett is acting Senior DVC to mid-June, when Clare Pollock arrives from Flinders U to take up the position.