Of the day
Kylie Lipscombe (Uni Wollongong) is elected NSW president and national board member of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders
Of the week
Marnie Blewitt (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute) wins the Ross Crozier Medal from the Genetics Society of AustralAsia.
James Dunk (Uni Sydney) wins the State Library of NSW Australian History Prize for Bedlam at Botany Bay (New South Books). He has already won the Australian History Prize in the NSW Premiers History awards for the book.
Katrina Falkner is confirmed as executive dean, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide.
Ross McLennan is to be ED for research services at Macquarie U. He moves from a similar role at Griffith U.
Christopher Sainsbury (ANU) receives the inaugural National Luminary Award at the Arts Music Awards. Dr Sainsbury is founder of the Ngarra-Burria: First Nations Composers programme.
Members of TAFE Directors Australia’s new National Enrolled Nursing Advisory Council are James Dunstan (Canberra Institute Tech), Kate McCluskey (NSW TAFE), Deb Blow (Qld TAFE), Sue Hopkins (TAFE SA), Jonette Scott (Tas TAFE), Gabrielle Koutoukidis (Holmesglen (Vic)), Julie Fereday (TAFE WA), Lyndal Manson (TDA).
Constance Wiebrands (Edith Cowan U) is re-elected to the board of the Council of Australian University Librarians.