James Arvanitakis moves up PVC Engagement, from PVR Research and Graduate Studies, at Western Sydney U.
The Australian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities has a new executive; Cathy Coleborne (Uni Newcastle) is president. Nick Bisley (LT U) is secretary. Annamarie Jagose (Uni Sydney) is treasurer and Tony Ballantyne (Uni Otago) represents Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Clive Baldock joins Uni Wollongong as dean of graduate research. He moves from U Tasmania where he was PVC Researcher Development.
Kevin Hall (DVC R) will leave Uni Newcastle in November to become vice chancellor of the University of Victoria, in British Columbia – where they lay welcomes on with a trowel.
The 2020 Victorian Young Tall Poppies for scientific achievement include; Nir Eynon (Victoria U0, Ben Henley (Uni Melbourne and Monash U), Francine Marques (Monash U). And among the South Australian YTPs are – Maria Inacio (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and Uni SA) and Janet Sluggett (UniSA and SAHMRI).